You are given a stack ‘S’. Your task is to sort the sack recursively.
Looping through the stack is not allowed.
You need to return a stack that is sorted in descending order.
For example:
Given stack S = 1 3 2
The output will be 3 2 1 since it is the sorted order.
Detailed explanation ( Input/output format, Notes, Images )
Input format :
The first line of input contains an integer ‘T’ denoting the number of test cases.
The second line of each test case contains a single integer ‘N’, denoting the stack size.
The next line contains ‘N’ space-separated integers denoting the elements of the stack, the last element of the input being the top of the stack.
If the input is 1 3 2 then the input stack will look like this :
Output format :
For each test case, print the stack in descending sorted order.
The output of each test case will be printed in a separate line.
You do not need to print anything. It has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
Sample Input 1 :
1 0 0 2
2 4 2
Sample Output 1 :
2 1 0 0
4 4 2
Explanation of the Sample Input 1:
For the first test case:
For the given stack, the resultant sorted stack would be 0 0 1 2.
For the second test case:
For the given stack, the resulting sorted stack would be 2 2 4.
Sample Input 2 :
1 2 3 4
5 1 2
Sample Output 2 :
4 3 2 1
5 2 1
1 <= T <= 5
1 <= N <= 2000
0 <= S[i] <= 1000
Where ‘T’ is the total number of test cases, and 'N’ is the size of the stack, and 'S[i]' is the element of the stack.