Allocate Books

Average time to solve is 10m
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Problem statement

Given an array ‘arr’ of integer numbers, ‘arr[i]’ represents the number of pages in the ‘i-th’ book.

There are ‘m’ number of students, and the task is to allocate all the books to the students.

Allocate books in such a way that:

1. Each student gets at least one book.
2. Each book should be allocated to only one student.
3. Book allocation should be in a contiguous manner.

You have to allocate the book to ‘m’ students such that the maximum number of pages assigned to a student is minimum.

If the allocation of books is not possible, return -1.

Input: ‘n’ = 4 ‘m’ = 2 
‘arr’ = [12, 34, 67, 90]

Output: 113

Explanation: All possible ways to allocate the ‘4’ books to '2' students are:

12 | 34, 67, 90 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to student 1 is ‘12’, and student two is ‘34+ 67+ 90 = 191’, so the maximum is ‘max(12, 191)= 191’.

12, 34 | 67, 90 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to student 1 is ‘12+ 34 = 46’, and student two is ‘67+ 90 = 157’, so the maximum is ‘max(46, 157)= 157’.

12, 34, 67 | 90 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to student 1 is ‘12+ 34 +67 = 113’, and student two is ‘90’, so the maximum is ‘max(113, 90)= 113’.

We are getting the minimum in the last case.

Hence answer is ‘113’.
Detailed explanation ( Input/output format, Notes, Images )
Input format:
The first line contains two space-separated integers ‘n’ denoting the number of books and ‘m’ denotes the number of students. 

The second line contains ‘n’ space-separated integers denoting the number of pages in each of ‘n’ books.
Output Format:
Return the integer as described above.
Do not print anything, just return the maximum number of pages that are assigned to a student is minimum.
Sample Input 1:
4 2
12 34 67 90
Sample Output 1:
Explanation of sample input 1:
All possible ways to allocate the ‘4’ books to '2' students are:

12 | 34, 67, 90 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to student 1 is ‘12’, and student two is ‘34+ 67+ 90 = 191’, so the maximum is ‘max(12, 191)= 191’.

12, 34 | 67, 90 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to student 1 is ‘12+ 34 = 46’, and student two is ‘67+ 90 = 157’, so the maximum is ‘max(46, 157)= 157’.

12, 34, 67 | 90 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to student 1 is ‘12+ 34 +67 = 113’, and student two is ‘90’, so the maximum is ‘max(113, 90)= 113’.

We are getting the minimum in the last case.

Hence answer is ‘113’.
Sample Input 2:
5 4
25 46 28 49 24
Sample Output 2:
Explanation of sample input 2:
All possible ways to allocate the ‘5’ books to '4' students are:

25 | 46 | 28 | 49 24 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to students 1, 2, 3, and 4 are '25', '46', '28', and '73'. So the maximum is '73'.

25 | 46 | 28 49 | 24 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to students 1, 2, 3, and 4 are '25', '46', '77', and '24'. So the maximum is '77'.

25 | 46 28 | 49 | 24 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to students 1, 2, 3, and 4 are '25', '74', '49', and '24'. So the maximum is '74'.

25 46 | 28 | 49 | 24 - the sum of all the pages of books allocated to students 1, 2, 3, and 4 are '71', '28', '49', and '24'. So the maximum is '71'.

We are getting the minimum in the last case.

Hence answer is ‘71’.
Expected time complexity:
The expected time complexity is O(n * log(s)), where ‘n’ is the number of integers in the array ‘arr’ and ‘s’ is the sum of all the elements of ‘arr’.
2 <= 'n' <= 10 ^ 3
1 <= 'm' <= 10 ^ 3
1 <= 'arr[i]' <= 10 ^ 9
The sum of all arr[i] does not exceed 10 ^ 9.

Where ‘n’ denotes the number of books and ‘m’ denotes the number of students. ‘arr[i]’ denotes an element at position ‘i’ in the sequence.

Time limit: 1 second

Try all possible minimum number of pages.

Approaches (2)
Linear Search

The basic idea is that, try each and every possible value that can be answered. It can be from ‘1’ to the sum of ‘arr’.

  • Find the sum of all the elements of ‘arr’ in a variable ‘sum’.
  • Iterate a loop ‘i’ from ‘1’ to ‘sum’(inclusive).
  • Check for every ‘i’, if it is possible to divide the at least ‘i’ pages to every student.
    • If possible then return ‘i’ because we are iterating from minimum then it is the minimum answer.
    • Else check for ‘i+1’.
  • If the number of ‘n<m’ then return ‘-1’, because the number of students is more than the number of books.

How to check - if it is possible to divide at least ‘mid’ number of pages in each student

Iterate a loop ‘i’, if sum of some contiguous books pages is less than or equals to mid then assign this sou to  a single student  and check for remain student and at the end if is possible then can say it is possible that ‘mid’ number of pages is possible to assign ‘m’ student.

Time Complexity

O(n * s), where ‘n’ is the number of integers in the array ‘arr’ and ‘s’ is the sum of all the elements of ‘arr’.

We are using two nested loops of size ‘s’ and ‘n’.

Therefore the time complexity is O(n * s).

Space Complexity


We are using constant space.

Therefore the space complexity is O(1).

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