Problem of the day
You must sell the stock before you buy it again.
The first line of input contains an integer value N, denoting the size of the input array.
The second line contains N single space-separated integers, denoting the prices on each day.
Output Format:
The only output line contains an integer, denoting the maximum profit.
You are not required to print the output, it has already been taken care of. Just implement the function.
1 <= N <= 5 * 10^4
0 <= PRICES[i] <= 10^4
Time Limit: 1sec
2 4 7 1 3 5
As we are allowed to do any number of transactions to maximize the profit,
The first transaction we will do is to buy on day 1 (PRICE = 2) and sell on day 3 (PRICE = 7), making a profit of 5 (7 - 2).
The second transaction we will do is to buy on day 3 (PRICE = 1) and sell on day = 6 (PRICE = 5), making a profit of 4 (5 - 1).
Total profit = 5 + 4 = 9.
1 2 3 4
Calculate the profit corresponding to all the possible transactions and find out the maximum.
In this approach, we will be using recursion, where we will have a recursive method let's say MAX_PROFIT(PRICES, START) to find the maximum profit that we can make by doing any number of transactions starting from the START index.
To calculate this we will iterate on our prices starting from PRICES[START] till the last price. We will let the current price as the start of a transaction(buy price) and for each START, we will iterate over the next remaining prices and consider them as the end of the transaction(sell price). Let’s say the sell index ends. So the profit for this transaction is profit is PRICES[END] - PRICES[START]. Let it be equal to CURPROFIT (remember we will only choose that END index having price greater than the price of the START index. ).
Now we will calculate the maximum profit possible for the days after the ending day of the current transaction using recursion. So the PROFIT = CURPROFIT + MAX_PROFIT(PRICES, END + 1) and we will find the maximum of all possible profits.
O(N^N), where N is the number of the days for which prices are given i.e the size of the input array.
In the worst case, the recursive function is called N^N times for every element in the array thus the time complexity here becomes O(N^N).
O(N), where N is the number of the days for which prices are given i.e the size of the input array.
In the worst case, we will only be using the space required for the recursive stack to build.