Problem of the day
For a given integer array/list 'ARR' of size 'N' containing all distinct values, find the total number of 'Inversions' that may exist.
An inversion is defined for a pair of integers in the array/list when the following two conditions are met.
A pair ('ARR[i]', 'ARR[j]') is said to be an inversion when:
1. 'ARR[i] > 'ARR[j]'
2. 'i' < 'j'
Where 'i' and 'j' denote the indices ranging from [0, 'N').
The first line of input contains an integer 'N', denoting the size of the array.
The second line of input contains 'N' integers separated by a single space, denoting the elements of the array 'ARR'.
Output format :
Print a single line containing a single integer that denotes the total count of inversions in the input array.
You are not required to print anything, it has been already taken care of. Just implement the given function.
1 <= N <= 10^5
1 <= ARR[i] <= 10^9
Where 'ARR[i]' denotes the array element at 'ith' index.
Time Limit: 1 sec
3 2 1
We have a total of 3 pairs which satisfy the condition of inversion. (3, 2), (2, 1) and (3, 1).
2 5 1 3 4
We have a total of 4 pairs which satisfy the condition of inversion. (2, 1), (5, 1), (5, 3) and (5, 4).
1. Start with the brute force approach.
2. Use a modified merge sort.
3. Iterate through the elements in sorted order and use a Fenwick tree to track the inversions.
The steps are as follows:
O(N ^ 2), Where ‘N’ is the total number of elements in the array.
Since for every element, we iterate over the remaining elements on right side, which makes it polynomial time. Thus the time complexity will be O(N ^ 2).
Since constant space is used. Thus the space complexity will be O(1).