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Koko Eating Bananas

Average time to solve is 25m
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Problem statement

A monkey is given ‘n’ piles of bananas, where the 'ith' pile has ‘a[i]’ bananas. An integer ‘h’ is also given, which denotes the time (in hours) in which all the bananas should be eaten.

Each hour, the monkey chooses a non-empty pile of bananas and eats ‘m’ bananas. If the pile contains less than ‘m’ bananas, then the monkey consumes all the bananas and won’t eat any more bananas in that hour.

Find the minimum number of bananas ‘m’ to eat per hour so that the monkey can eat all the bananas within ‘h’ hours.


Input: ‘n’ = 4, ‘a’ =  [3, 6, 2, 8] , ‘h’ = 7

Output: 3

Explanation: If ‘m’ = 3, then 
The time taken to empty the 1st pile is 1 hour.
The time taken to empty the 2nd pile is 2 hour.
The time taken to empty the 3rd pile is 1 hour.
The time taken to empty the 4th pile is 3 hour.
Therefore a total of 7 hours is taken. It can be shown that if the rate of eating bananas is reduced, they can’t be eaten in 7 hours.
Detailed explanation ( Input/output format, Notes, Images )
Input Format
The first line contains one integer, ‘n’, denoting the number of piles of bananas.

The second line contains ‘n’ integers denoting the number of bananas on the ith pile.

The third line contains one integer, ‘h’, denoting the time (in hours) in which all bananas should be eaten.

Output format:
Return the minimum number of bananas (‘m’) to eat per hour so the monkey can eat all the bananas within ‘h’ hours.

You don't need to print anything. Just implement the given function.
Sample Input 1:
7 15 6 3

Sample Output 1:

Explanation Of Sample Input 1:
Input: ‘n’ = 4, ‘a’ = [7, 15, 6, 3], ‘h’ = 8

Output: 5

Explanation: If ‘m’ = 5, then 
The time taken to empty the 1st pile is 2 hour.
The time taken to empty the 2nd pile is 3 hour.
The time taken to empty the 3rd pile is 2 hour.
The time taken to empty the 4th pile is 1 hour.
Therefore a total of 8 hours is taken. It can be shown that if the rate of eating bananas is reduced, they can’t be eaten in 8 hours.

Sample Input 2:
25 12 8 14 19

Sample Output 2:

Explanation Of Sample Input 2:
Input: ‘n’ = 5, ‘a’ = [25,12,8,14,19], ‘h’ = 5

Output: 25

Explanation: If ‘m’ = 25, 
The time taken to empty the 1st pile is 1 hour.
The time taken to empty the 2nd pile is 1 hour.
The time taken to empty the 3rd pile is 1 hour.
The time taken to empty the 4th pile is 1 hour.
The time taken to empty the 5th pile is 1 hour.
Therefore a total of 5 hours is taken. It can be shown that if the rate of eating bananas is reduced, they can’t be eaten in 5 hours.

Expected Time Complexity:
Try to solve the problem in O(log n).

1 <= n <= 10^4
1 <= a[i] <= 10^9
n <= h <= 10^9

Time Limit: 1 sec
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