Problem of the day
Given an array of numbers, find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray of the array.
For example, given the array [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86], the maximum sum would be 137, since we would take elements 42, 14, -5, and 86.
Given the array [-5, -1, -8, -9], the maximum sum would be -1.
Follow up: Do this in O(N) time.
The first line of input contains size of array, which is denoted by N and second line of input contains N space separated integers.
Output format:
The first and only line of output should print the maximum subarray sum, as described in the description.
1 <= N <= 10^6
1 <= K <= N
Time limit: 1 sec
4 1
1 2 3 4
6 2
2 7 3 6 7 7
There are 5 subarrays of size 2 in this array. They are {2, 7}, {7, 3}, {3, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 7}. Since the subarray {7, 7} has the maximum sum among all the subarrays, the output will be 7 + 7 = 14
Is there a way to just check all k-subarrays one by one and find the maximum element for each?
O(N * K) where N is the length of the input array and K is the size of the subarray.
O(1) because the extra space being used (looping variables, maximum element) is constant for any N and K