Problem of the day
Ninja and his friend are playing a game called flip game. They are given a string ‘STR’ containing only two characters, ‘$’ and ‘*.’
In this game, Ninja and his friend take turns to flip two consecutive “$$” to “**”. The flip game ends when Ninja or his friend can no longer make a move, i.e., there is no consecutive “$$” present in the ‘STR’ and, therefore, the other person will be the winner of the game.
Both the players play the game optimally in alternate turns. Given that Ninja starts the game i.e. takes the first turn, your task is to find out if he wins the game.
For example:Let 'STR' = "$$**".
There are consecutive "$$" in 'STR' and it is Ninja's turn to begin the game. So, Ninja changes the consecutive "$$" to "**". This changes 'STR' to "****".
Now, as it is his friend's turn and there are no more consecutive "$$", Ninja wins the game.
1 <= ‘T’ <= 100
1 <= |’STR’| <= 20
‘STR[i]’ = {‘*’, ‘$’}
Where ‘T’ denotes the total number of test cases, ‘STR’ represents the input string that is given to Ninja and his friend, and |’STR’| represents the length of the string.
Time Limit: 1 second
For sample test case 1:
In the first move, Ninja changes the string “$$$$” to “$**$”.
Now there is no consecutive “$$” present so Ninja’s friend can not make any move. Hence Ninja wins the game.
For sample test case 2:
There is no consecutive “$$” present so Ninja can not make a move. Hence his friend wins the game.
For sample test case 1:
If the first move, Ninja changes the string “$$$$$” to “**$$$”.
Then his friend changes the string “**$$$” to “****$”.
Now there is no consecutive “$$” present so Ninja can not make any move. Hence his friend wins the game.
For sample test case 2:
If the first move, Ninja changes the string “**$$**$” to “******$”.
Now there is no consecutive “$$” present so Ninja’s friend can not make any move. Hence Ninja wins the game.