Problem of the day
You are given an undirected unweighted graph and an array 'sProability' which denotes the probability of traversing edges such that 'sProability[i]' denotes the probability of traversing ith edge. You are given the start and end vertex, You need to determine the maximum path probability on going from start to end vertex if there is no path from start to end return 0.
The first line of input contains an integer 'T', the number
of test cases.
The first line of the test case contains four integers ‘N’,
‘M’, 'START', 'END' denoting the number of vertices, edges, starting vertex, and ending vertex.
The next ‘M’ lines describe the edge. Each edge is
characterized by two integers ‘A’ and ‘B’ where ‘A’ and ‘B’ denotes the endpoints of the edge.
The last line of each test case contains ‘M’ space-separated floating-point number denoting the probability of traversing ith edge.
The edges[i][0], edges[i][1] contains the vertex that is
connected to the edge.
Output Format
Return the maximum probability of path from start to end vertex up to 6 decimal places. If there is no path, return 0.
Graph does not contain self-loops.
1 <= T <= 10
1 <= N <= 5 * 10 ^ 4
1 <= M <= min((N * (N - 1) / 2),10^5)
0 <= sProability[i] <= 1
Time Limit: 1 second
3 3 0 2
0 1
1 2
0 2
0.9 0.9 0.75
For the test case 1:
The graph is as follows:
Path with maximum probability from 0 to 1 is 0->2->1. Hence the maximum probability is 0.90 * 0.90 = 0.81.
4 2 0 2
0 1
2 3
0.8 0.8
Find all the paths from start to end.
Traverse all the paths from start to end and then one with maximum probability is the answer.
Algorithm :
O(M ^ 2), Where 'M' is the number of edges.
In the worse case, we need to traverse every edge ‘M’ times. Hence time complexity will be O(M ^ 2).
O(N), Where 'N' is the number of vertices.
It is because the boolean array, ‘visited’ takes O(N) space.