Problem of the day
You are given an integer ‘N’. Your task is to print a pattern with the following description
The pattern will consist of ‘N’ lines.
For 1 <= ‘i’ <= ‘N’ ‘i’th line consists of a string of ‘N’ + 1 - ‘i’ ‘*’ characters.
For example:
If ‘N’ is 5 then the pattern will be.
Input Format
The first line of input contains an integer 'T' representing the number of test cases.
Then each test case contains a single integer ‘N’ denoting the size of the pattern.
Output Format:
The output for each test case will be 'N' strings denoting the pattern printed for the given ‘N’ number of rows.
The output of each test case will be printed in a separate line.
1 <= T <= 5
1 <= N <= 500
Where ‘T’ is the number of test cases, ‘N’ is the size of the pattern.
You do not need to print anything, it has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
Test Case 1:
Given ‘N’ = 5
We will print the pattern as description first line will contain a string of 5 ‘*’, the second line will contain a string of 4 ‘*’, the third line will contain 3 ‘*’, the fourth line will contain 2 ‘*’ and the fifth line will contain 1 ’*’.
Test Case 2:
Given ‘N’ = 3
For 1 <= ‘i’ <= 3 , ‘i’th line contains 4 - ’i’, ‘*’ characters.
Test Case 1:
Given ‘N' = 1
There will be only 1 line and that will contain a single ‘*’.
Test Case 2:
Given ‘N’ = 2
First-line will contain 2 ‘*’ while the second line will contain 1 ‘*’ as per description.
In each step, we will decrease the length of the string by 1.
The idea is here to first create a string of ‘N’ ‘*’ characters, and modify this string for each step. The 1st line of the pattern will always consist of ‘N’ characters, so we will first create a string of size ‘N’ and then we will decrease the length by 1 in each step till we get an empty string.
O(N ^ 2), where N is the size of the pattern.
First, we are creating a string of ‘N’ characters it will take O(N) time and after that, we are running a loop from 1 to ‘N’ and in each step, we will append a string of size ‘i’ in the array so here time complexity of append will be O(N) and we are doing it for ‘N’ steps so overall time complexity will be O(N ^ 2).
O(N ^ 2), where N is the size of the pattern.
As we will be storing the result in an array of strings that contains ‘N’ strings of size ‘N’ so overall space complexity will be O(N ^ 2).