Problem of the day
Mary is a party-loving girl of the 21st Generation. She loves to attend parties and events with her family and friends. But she is terrible at remembering the dates of these events.
Mary has a list of dates of these events. Can you help her sort the list of dates to be easier for Mary to track the parties?
You are given an array ‘dates’ consisting of ‘N’ dates. You have to sort this array and print the array in sorted order.
For example:If dates= [ [13,6,2007] , [2,6,2001] , [10,8,2019] , [1,6,2007] ]
Sorted Order of Dates will be :
dates = [ [ 2,6,2001] , [1,6,2007] , [13,6,2007] ]
The first line of the input contains an integer, 'T,’ denoting the number of test cases.
The first line of each test case contains a single integer, 'N,’ denoting the number of dates in the array.
The Next ‘N’ lines of each test case have three integers corresponding to date, month, and year.
Output Format:
For each test case, print ‘N’ lines for the sorted list elements, each line has three integers corresponding to date, month, and year.
Print the output of each test case in a separate line.
You do not need to print anything. It has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
1 <= T <= 10
1 <= N <= 10^6
1 <= dates[i][0] <= 31
1 <= dates[i][1] <=12
2000 <= dates[i][2] <=2099
Time limit: 1 sec
21 6 2011
11 4 2009
17 8 2009
1 1 2002
31 10 2005
10 8 2003
11 4 2009
17 8 2009
21 6 2011
1 1 2002
10 8 2003
31 10 2005
For the first test case,
The sorted list of the dates of events will be: [‘11 April 2009’, ‘17 August 2009’, ‘21 June 2011’]. Hence, the answer of this testcase is [ [ 11,4,2009] , [17,8,2009] , [21,6,2011] ].
For the second test case,
The sorted list of the dates of events will be: [‘1 January 2002’, ‘10 August 2003’, ‘31 October 2011’]. Hence, the answer of this testcase is [ [ 1,1,2002] , [10,8,2003] , [31,10,2005] ].
14 5 2008
16 1 2001
23 3 2098
15 7 2000
21 4 2005
29 2 2004
30 12 2001
16 1 2001
14 5 2008
23 3 2098
15 7 2000
30 12 2001
29 2 2004
21 4 2005