So, all your hard work has finally paid off and you have bagged that promotion. Congratulations!

As amazing as the feeling might be, a promotion comes with many new responsibilities. Starting from designation to KRAs, seating area, and maybe even a change in teams.

Promotion can be an overwhelming experience for some, while some handle this transition like a pro.

This blog will take you through 7 things a newly promoted employee needs to undertake for a smooth transition.

  1. Understand the expectations from your boss
  2. Think and remain positive
  3. Avoid diving in head-first
  4. Fix boundaries with former peer group
  5. Reassess priorities and set your goals
  6. Ask for help when required
  7. Market your talent through word of mouth
  8. Update your new job role on social networking sites

Let’s begin!

Understand the expectations from your boss

The first thing you need to do after getting a promotion is to ask for a one-on-one meeting with your reporting manager and understand their expectations and set goals accordingly. This will provide insights into your plan of action for your personal goals as well as the team’s goals.

Think and remain positive

A promotion can bring about a lot of changes in the work front and dynamics within the team. Some employees can even face imposter syndrome.

Impostor syndrome is a psychological occurrence in which an individual starts doubting their skills, talents, accomplishments, etc. along with a constant internal fear of being exposed as a fraud.

Do not let self-doubt weigh you down; after all, you have been promoted because your boss believes in your talent. Here are a few things you can follow to combat your self-doubt.

  • Practice self-compassion. Remember, you're a human and it is only natural to make mistakes, and it is only through these mistakes that you learn and grow in your life and career.

  • Recall your past achievements. We all at some point have been scared to do a task successfully, but it went well. Remembering such achievements helps restore faith in yourself and gives you the courage to take charge of the current situation.

  • Do not compare yourself to others. Remember everyone's journey is unique and comparing yourself to others will be unfair to yourself. Instead, focus on yourself and challenge yourself in every task to perform better than the previous one.

  • Keep your supportive friends closest. In times of self-doubt, it is only human to want positive people who can help you out through your rough phase and talk you out of it.

Avoid diving in head-first

Many freshly promoted employees tend to dive headlong into taking charge of the assigned tasks, especially if you were already an employee in the organization.

Instead, take it slow, understand your tasks and processes thoroughly and also understand the changing team dynamics. Slowly bridge any gap that might have been created with your promotion.

You can do this by talking to your team in either a group meeting or conducting one-on-one meetings to understand what they require and how you can support them.

Fix boundaries with former peer group

Dynamics tend to change when you get promoted over your peers, some of whom you've even become friends with over time. Depending on how your team responds to your promotion, this could either be a tough task or a cakewalk for you.

So, the first thing to do after your promotion is to set up one-on-one meetings with the team individually to ensure that both of your goals and insights are in line.

Also, ensure that your personal friendship doesn't interfere with your professional sphere at work. You will need to understand how your team responds and their thought processes while managing them as a senior.

Reassess priorities and set your goals

After being promoted, take some time to understand the objectives and goals that you are expected to reach.

Devise those goals into short-term and long-term goals and even some Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-measured (SMART) goals.

This can help you identify which ones need your immediate attention and allow you to attain some quick valuable wins, while also allowing you the time to plan for your long-term goals.

Ask for help when required

You may have been working in the same organization for a while now, and are acquainted with the procedures, stakeholders, etc. but that might not always be the case. When you are promoted, your duties and tasks are bound to change so don’t shy away from asking for help.

On the other hand, if you have joined as a newly promoted employee, don’t hesitate to ask for help from your superiors or even people who hold the same job title. This will allow you to understand the work processes of your job profile.

Read Types of Motivation

Market your talent through word of mouth

It is a well-established fact that networking is extremely essential in advancing your career. Your network can consist of mentors, field experts, etc.

However, apart from them, you need your own team of credible cheerleaders who can help to market your skills and capabilities within the organization. These people could be anyone like mentors, sponsors, reliable and credible teammates, or subordinates.

This practice allows you to get exposure out of your regular circle and can introduce better networking opportunities for you and the company.

Update your new job role on social networking sites

Getting a promotion is a huge deal! So, treat it like one and change your designation and team (in case of changes) once you get the promotion. This lets your network stay in the loop with your professional advancements and can also be extremely helpful when looking for future opportunities

You might find these tips simple, but more often than not we tend to forget the most simple of tips and tricks to deal with situations like this.

Hopefully, these tips can help you settle into your role better post your promotion.

All the Best!

Promotion Career Advice