1. Cultivate a personal brand
  2. Be professional
  3. Network
  4. Show skills
  5. Conclusion

Social media has been a staple part of modern culture for many years now, typically as a way to interact with friends and acquaintances and update the world on life events.

However, social media is transforming into an opportunity for professional advancement.

Employers have realised that looking into an individual’s social media is a great way to see who a person really is.

Savvy social media users have recognised that this is a perfect opportunity to use social media to increase their chances of getting hired.

We’ve collected some of the key ways to use social media as a career enhancer.

Cultivate a personal brand

Users should consider social media as an opportunity to build an image of the person they want employers to see.

A brand is made up of a person’s profile and every detail that is on display from images to blogs to interactions.

When creating a social media persona, users should think about every aspect carefully and choose the colours, design, images and even logos that best reflect who they are.

Users should particularly focus on the content they are producing as blogs, articles, and posts are the strongest indicators of their interests and passions.

Showing that you are actively interested in your profession and up to date with the latest trends is an impressive trait for employers who look to employ someone who has the knowledge of fickle business trends.

A strong brand will strengthen a user’s chances of getting hired because it will be instantly recognizable and draw employers in.

Additionally, a person’s social media pages give employers a preview for the person and will help them decide if this is a person they would want to work with or invite for an interview.

Be professional

Users should remember that potential employers and other professionals will be able to see ALL of their public posts on social media.

Therefore, it’s important to keep unsavoury issues and topics away from their social media pages so that they aren’t broadcasted to the world.

Social media is an opportunity to recommend yourself professionally.

Which is why drunken pictures at parties, online arguments, and controversial opinions should all be kept in person and in private so that professional connections don’t get a negative opinion that could affect your professional life.

“Social media users, and particularly job seekers, should try to keep their accounts professional by cleaning up unprofessional posts and pictures and instead, use the opportunity to market themselves professionally”, says Tony Whyte, social media blogger at 1Day2write and Nextcoursework.


The biggest opportunity that social media provides is the ability to network online.

From anywhere in the world with the use of a phone or laptop, users are able to build professional relations and connections with other professionals in their field.

Positive online relationships and impressions lead to recommendations and interviews.

The more well-known you are in professional networks, the more others will consider you a trustworthy professional and respect you.

Additionally, having a wide network means you have numerous people to approach if you ever need to discuss career-related issues or ask advice.

Online networking is also great for freelancers who can become isolated as they have the opportunity to find other professionals in a similar location and arrange real-life meet-ups.

Show skills

Don’t be afraid to show off on your social media pages!

They are a platform for users to display their best qualities and should be used as such.

If you have any skills that might be impressive, social media users should make sure they are included somewhere on their social media.

If, for example, you have a talent for video editing, your social media pages are the perfect place to post some brilliantly edited videos that potential employers will be wowed by.

Users should make sure the links to any of their websites are clearly found all over their social media.

Links to blogs, articles, photography websites, etc. We guarantee your future employers would love to see it.

“Users that include evidence of previous work like blog posts or successful copy content are much more likely to get positive interaction and feedback from their network, thus increasing their legibility and position in their field”, says Joan Middleton, career writer at Writemyx and Britstudent.


Successful social media pages can be built up over time so don’t panic if you don’t have the opportunity to create a perfect page immediately.

Now is the time to take steps towards a great online presence to impress future employers and secure your dream job!

Author's Bio: Mildred Delgado is an up-and-coming marketing strategist at Origin writings and Academic Brits, where she has already assisted on several high-profile marketing campaigns. She also presents and contributes to PHD Kingdom.

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