1. Why do HRs ask “Describe yourself in 5 words”?
  2. How to answer “Describe yourself in 5 words”
    a. Understand the job requirement
    b. Identify the company's values
    c. List down adjectives and tally it with the job description
    d. Strike the right balance
    e. Always justify your answer with examples
  3. Sample Answers of “Describe yourself in 5 words”
    a. For editorial and content writer positions
    b. For a fresher
    c. For a marketing and sales executive
  4. Tips to answer “Describe yourself in 5 words”
    a. Practice makes you confident
    b. Answer in a short and crisp manner
    c. Don't sound like an automated recording
    d. Be formal and polite
    e. Answer in a conversational tone
    f. Avoid giving cliched answers
  5. Words not to use while answering“Describe yourself in 5 words”
    a. Intelligent
    b. Friendly/ Likeable
    c. Obsessive
    d. Humble

Appearing for a job interview can make the most experienced candidate nervous.

In the HR round questions, “Why do you want to leave your current job?”, “What is your greatest strength?", etc are considered common.

To know more about basic interview questions read here.

However, in some HR interviews, certain questions like "Describe yourself in 3 words" can stumble a candidate if not prepared well.

One such HR interview question is “Describe yourself in 5 words.”

Hence, preparedness is the best way to gain confidence and ace your next big interview.

Let’s begin!

Why do HRs ask “Describe yourself in 5 words”?

HR round questions such as this one are asked majorly to understand the candidate’s way of thinking, whether he/she will be fit for the company, and to see how well you can stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Therefore, practicing to answer “Describe yourself in 5 words” before an HR interview becomes all the more important to leave a lasting impression and seal the deal.

How to answer “Describe yourself in 5 words”

Here are a few factors to consider before you start preparing your answer to this HR round question.

a. Understand the job requirement

Reading the job description thoroughly is the first and most important step when preparing for an HR interview and even before applying for a job.

Doing so gives you clarity on what is expected of candidates applying for the position.

You can then go about preparing for the process and HR interview based on the keywords used in the job description.

b. Identify the company's values

The main objective of an HR interview is to find the candidate who is a perfect fit for their company and will be with them for the long-run.

Also, researching the company will provide you with clarity on whether you identify yourself with their core values.

Identifying oneself with the company’s values is extremely important for a candidate to stick around, but is more often than not undermined.

So, thorough research about the company and scrutinizing of the job description are pivotal steps while preparing for an interview as it frames the entire preparation process.

c. List down adjectives and tally it with the job description

The next step to preparing to answer “Describe yourself in 5 words” is to list down all the adjectives you think describes you the best.

In case of confusion, turn to your trusted friends, acquaintances, and even family members to give you 5 adjectives which according to them describe you the best.

Now, with the list ready, tally it with the keywords mentioned in the job description and the company’s core values.

This will help you to formulate a perfect answer to this HR interview question.

d. Strike the right balance

One of the major aims of bagging the job is to successfully sell yourself as the perfect candidate.

You do not want to sound too humble while answering this HR round question as it might leave the recruiter to think of you as underconfident.

You also cannot go on bragging as nobody wants to hire a candidate who is full of him/herself.

Therefore, it is important to strike the perfect balance while answering “Describe yourself in 5 words.”

e. Always justify your answer with examples

Similar to every other HR round question, “Describe yourself in 5 words” also requires a proper justification of your answer.

You can use the Situation Task Action and Results (STAR) method to justify your answer as it will help you to make your point without dragging it unnecessarily.

Sample Answers of “Describe yourself in 5 words”

With the How to part explained, here are a few sample answers to help you formulate the perfect answer to this HR round question.

a. For editorial and content writer positions

Candidates who are applying for editorial and content writer positions can answer this HR round question in the following manner.

Sample Answer #1:

“If I have to describe myself in 5 words I would say I am attentive, reliable, able, creative, and hardworking.

I have been working for a magazine for the past 2 years.

In this timeframe, we have ensured not only to produce error-free copies but also made sure the stories did not sound mundane and would grab the readers’ eyes.

We received several accolades from readers in these two years.

According to the Management we had exceeded through our work and the revenues also doubled as compared to the previous terms.

I enjoy editing so I never mind putting in some extra hours to make sure that the stories turn out error-free, simple to read yet creative and interesting.”

Sample Answer #2:

“I would describe myself as creative, able, reliable, imaginative, and hard-working.

I have always believed that a piece when written in a simple and lucid language attracts more readers.

If I have to write on a subject, which I know is complex, I put in extra effort to read up as much as possible on the subject and even ask for help from my seniors who have a better understanding of it.

The best way to make a reader appreciate a complex subject is to write it in a simple language which requires me to understand the subject matter thoroughly.

I also take feedback from across team members and work on them accordingly. I am very particular about deadlines so I make sure never to miss a single submission date.

However, if I know a particular piece needs more time to research and write I make sure to let my team and my team lead know about it and take prior permission for the same.”

b. For a fresher

A fresher can answer “Describe yourself in 5 words” in the following manner in their HR interview.

Sample Answer #1:

“If I have to choose 5 words to describe myself they would be fast-learner, hardworking, reliable, attentive, and adaptive.

I understand that being a fresher I have a lot to learn and the work environment is far more cutthroat than academics.

However, I have always been a fast learner and quick to adapt to changes and requirements.

I understand doing so and to stay ahead in the competition requires a lot of hard work and I am more than willing to do so.”

c. For a Marketing and Sales Executive:

Marketing and Sales Executive candidates can answer this HR round question in this manner in their upcoming HR interview.

Sample Answer #1:

“I would describe myself as motivated, organized, able, hard-working, and energetic.

Marketing requires a lot of patience and continuous collaboration with clients via various mediums.

The job also demands that I remain energetic even on days when things don’t turn around for us.

There was a time in my last organization when due to a downward sloping market, we were continuously facing roadblocks.

So, I suggested a new marketing strategy and I was assigned to lead the team with this strategy to bring the desired result.

With a lot of hard work, patience, and presence of mind we finally managed to achieve our numbers and the desired RoI.”

Tips to answer “Describe yourself in 5 words”

Now that we know how to answer “Describe yourself in 5 words”, here are a few tips to remember while answering this HR interview question.

a. Practice makes you confident

HR round questions like “Describe yourself in 5 words” can be tricky to answer if not prepared well.

Hence, it is best to practice answering HR interview questions for the smooth sailing of the interview process.

b. Answer in a short and crisp manner

Let’s be practical, the recruiter has a long list of candidates to interview for the job position, and unnecessarily stretching your answer might just bore him/her.

So, make sure to answer “Describe yourself in 5 words” shortly and crisply.

c. Don't sound like an automated recording

Even though you are well prepared to tackle this HR interview question, make sure to take a few seconds to pause before answering.

This way you will avoid sounding like a recorder on play mode.

d. Be formal and polite

When answering any HR interview question make sure to be polite and formal.

Avoid rushing to complete your answer.

Speak softly yet slowly for the recruiter to comprehend what you are saying.

e. Answer in a conversational tone

When answering “Describe yourself in 5 words” make sure that it’s conversational.

You do not want to sound like a robot who has memorized the answer to this HR interview question.

f. Avoid giving cliched answers

The best way to make sure you secure your candidature for the job position is by giving unique answers to “Describe yourself in 5 words.”

Repetitive answers will not only bore the recruiter but also leave a very weak impression on him/her.

So, make sure that your answer to this HR interview question is different from the rest of the crowd.

Words not to use while answering“Describe yourself in 5 words”

To ace your HR interview, you must steer clear of using these words while answering the HR round question “Describe yourself in 5 words.”

a. Intelligent

Describing yourself as intelligent can lead the HR interview in either of the two roadways of judgemental or lack of vocabulary. In both cases, the result will not be in your favor.

Instead, you can use ‘Logical’, ‘Analytical’, ‘Fast-learner’, and so on.

b. Friendly/ Likeable

Remember it’s an HR interview for a job position and you need to answer this HR round question formally.

So, instead of friendly, you can say “Team player’, ‘Enthusiastic’, ‘Energetic’ etc.

c. Obsessive

Let’s be honest, being obsessed can often be seen in a negative light and that will not be favorable for any HR interview candidate who’s willing to bag the job.

Instead, you can use terms like’ detail-oriented’, 'focused’, 'hard working’ etc.

d. Humble

The major reason being describing yourself as Humble is self-contradictory in itself.

Therefore, it is best to avoid that path altogether when answering “Describe yourself in 5 words” in an HR interview.

With these tips and advice, hopefully answering “Describe yourself in 5 words” will be made easier.

Apart from practicing the perfect answer to this HR round question, make sure to dress right, and use the right nonverbal communication method in an HR interview to leave a lasting impression.

All the best!

HR Interview Questions & Answers