The world has been through the toughest times in the past year and a half. Humans have faced adversities beyond imagination since the COVID attack, one such being the loss of employment.

Many companies had to let go of their employees, opt for a salary cut, and even shut down their business. According to Mahesh Vyas, CEO, Center for Monitoring Indian Economy, "Over 10 million/1 crore people have lost their jobs because of the second wave of coronavirus."

He further added that since the beginning of the pandemic last year 97% of households' incomes have declined.

In this blog, we will try to provide you with some alternative earning opportunities you can consider whether unemployed or you just want to earn some extra money.

Opt for freelance

Almost every organization outsources tasks to freelancers. Freelancing is a legit work experience that has payment rates based on your years of experience.

Take for example, a decent organization might pay an average of INR 500 for an article written by a fresher or one with experience of 1-2 years.

Also, the organization usually has a policy of expecting a certain number of projects from a freelancer.

One of the advantages of freelancing is you can take up as many projects as you want and a variety of projects to break the monotony.

Also, be aware of the fake online work from home opportunities when searching for freelance jobs.

Start Tutoring

Private tutoring has been a great way of earning for ages. With schools and colleges being online, personal tutoring can help students in their studies and in clearing doubts.

You can let your society committee know that you are starting to tutor the specific subjects and the students of particular classes(eg:8-10/5-8, etc). Based on the number of students enrolling in your classes, you can set up batches accordingly.

However, if you feel you don’t want to risk the student’s health due to the ever-spreading virus, you can record your lessons or have live sessions to help clear doubts along with the lecture.

You can also send across notes to the students on their email IDs or their parents whichever seems convenient.

Start your own small projects

Many have started their own projects which they otherwise did not even find the time to chalk out. So, it might be safe to say there is a silver lining to the dark clouds of the pandemic.

People have started their own small businesses like cloud kitchens, confectionery, jewellery or stitching businesses, etc.

This not only is a great earning opportunity but also can help the people along with providing satisfaction in doing something with their passion.

Many of us have hobbies that had taken a back seat during our hectic lives earlier. Now, they have finally managed to return to their hobbies and even to help others with them.

For example, a person who loves to cook new cuisines can start a cloud kitchen to share the meal with everyone in the community and earn a substantial amount at the same time. They can also deliver meals to patients who are not able to cook for themselves.

So, if you have such a passion that you think can be implemented to start a business, go ahead and plan it out carefully and properly.

Work on upskilling yourself

Work from home options has provided us with the opportunity to focus on being the best version of ourselves.

You can choose from a variety of options to upskill that might not necessarily be related to your career. If you are interested in fitness/nutrition/music etc. you can opt for online certification courses for the same which might open up alternating earning avenues.

Also read: How Upskilling With Online Courses Helps You to Grow in Your Career, Tips on How to Choose an Online Course for Upskilling

Opt for consultation jobs

Consultation is an actual career option you can opt for when you are no more working in a traditional 9-5 job.

You can take the help of your clients that you gained while working and offer them your consultation. But the key here lies in your strength in maintaining communication with your clients and how much they trust in your capabilities.

We hope that these alternative earning opportunities help you in your times of distress. However please do remember, not to let any negative feeling get to you.

Do not feel bad or go on a self-sabotaging spree and remember that you can always get back on landing yourself a traditional job.

It’s just a matter of time, but till then expenses cannot be put off, and to avoid emptying your savings, it is best to look for alternative earning opportunities and curbing the urge to splurge.

Stay safe and All the Best!
