In this blog, we have covered latest Group discussion or GD topics on Indian politics.

  1. A corrupt yet efficient politician is way better than a truthful and highly inefficient one.
  2. Votes under NOTA (None of The Above) choice should be made valid.
  3. Indian politics is the reason behind the country’s backwardness.
  4. Indian election has nothing to do with good governance today.
  5. Political parties should not give tickets to contestants with criminal records.
  6. India needs a bi-party system like the US.
  7. Parliamentary Rule is better than Presidential Rule.

Access the complete list of group discussion topics here.

A corrupt yet efficient politician is way better than a truthful and highly inefficient one.

For: Yes. At present corrupt and inefficient politicians are ruling the roost! This is the deadliest combination possible. Atleast a corrupt and efficient politician will complete projects and be able deliver on time! That way, s/he can make a difference in the constituency during the party’s tenure.

Against: No! I believe, it is better to have pending projects and piles of unsigned files waiting in line, compared to stamped and signed files with well approved project budgets, where all the money gets pocketed by politicians. Such corrupt politicians simply show that the work has been done on paper, while the actual work is either incomplete or of very low quality! Inefficient yet honest politicians are most welcome. Atleast they can uproot corruption, which is the root of all evil in India.

Neutral: India should do away with dishonest cum efficient politicians as well as honest cum inefficient ones. The country desperately needs honest and highly efficient politicians right away.

Votes under NOTA (None of The Above) choice should be made valid.

For: Yes. NOTA or the “against all” or “scratch” vote is a great option to kick out unwanted candidates. If made valid, it can allow Indian voters to indicate disapproval of all the candidates in a voting system and decrease the count of bogus votes.

Against: No. Even if there are 99 NOTA votes out of a total of 100, and candidate X gets just one vote, X is the winner! That is the current rule. Hence, NOTA votes will never become valid, as it might hurt the political goals of many.

Indian politics is the reason behind the country’s backwardness.

For: Yes. If not 100%, but a major chunk of our problem lies within our political system and federal structure. Lack of robust leadership, scams by politicians, inefficient systems and glaring holes in the current political setup are to be blamed. Our tax money is squandered on massive election campaigning rather than on food or developmental projects. No wonder we are still so backward!

Against: No! Backwardness is a relative subject. We are a progressing nation and have come a long way so far! Besides, it is unfair to compare politicians with Indian politics. It is our fault as the citizens of India, for we keep playing blame games. Yet, we never step out to cast our votes or educate the downtrodden. This leads to more bogus votes and hence a bogus leader gets to win! We are equally responsible for the loopholes in the country’s systems.

Indian election has nothing to do with good governance today.

For: Yes. A good politician may not necessarily lead a wave of good governance! In other words, Indian elections are all about talking and fake promises. But when it comes to real action, it is the governing bodies or the ministries and departments under them, with task forces and permanent Government employees, who need to work and get things done!

Against: After an election, people form their own government in a democracy. This is the best possible system which can lead to good governance. These terms are interlinked as one leads to the other. On the other hand, frequent elections also impact governance. Hence, Indian elections have everything to do with governance today.

Political parties should not give tickets to contestants with criminal records.

For: Yes. 34% of Lok Sabha MPs, 19% of Rajya Sabha MPs and 33% of MLAs in India have declared criminal cases against themselves in 2017. Out of them 20% have serious criminal cases against themselves. As responsible citizens, we should be aware of who we’re voting to power. But it is also the responsibility of political parties to give tickets to candidates with unblemished records, just like private companies which conduct police verification of all job applicants.

Against: If we want good politicians, we need to change our methodology of voting. Votes should not be casted under influence of caste/community/background. We cannot control who the tickets go to, but we can filter out a deserving winner in an election. I would like to add that Indian voters can exercise their right to know details such as a candidate’s educational qualifications, his or her criminal records, assets and liabilities, before casting their votes.

India needs a bi-party system like the US.

For: Yes. A bi-party system automatically ensures a stable balance, moderation and ease of governance. Also, it is easy for voters to decide whom to elect when they have to select from 2 options. This system is a hit in the USA, where elected officials have more opportunities to focus on long-term public policies. I feel, it should be implemented in India immediately. The current multi-party system is chaotic and a huge disorderly mess!

Against: No! It is as good as asking voters to pick between a knife and a rope to commit suicide. Contrary to popular belief, a two-party system does not mean others cannot contest.  Even the US has seen independent candidates like Ross Perot (1992) and Ralph Nader (2000). Besides, India is a continent sized country with a growing population, diverse cultures, hundreds of languages, and millions of aspirations. So many voices will not be heard properly by a two party system.

Parliamentary Rule is better than Presidential Rule.

For: Yes. Parliamentarian systems are superior, much more stable, efficient, and less prone to corruption. Regular parliament sessions are conducted to keep the Prime Minister and cabinet on their toes. It prevents dictatorship or a totalitarian rule.

Against: No! Presidential system of democracy is better any day! It has a separation of powers, a strong role of judiciary, and government accountability to the people. In this system, there is no concentration of unchecked power, hence no corruption and abuse of power. Also, courts have the power of judicial review, that is they can determine a law unconstitutional. Also, presidents can be government outsiders and s/he is elected directly by the people (e.g., the US).

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