Vacation leave is usually taken by employees of companies for the purpose of travel, rest, relaxation, etc. Many companies offer vacation leaves to cultivate a healthy work-life balance for its employees.

In India, vacation leave may or may not be a separate category of leaves as part of a company’s leave policy. This category of leaves may be paid or unpaid, and may range from a couple of days to as long as a whole month.

Let us see some of the leave application samples that you can use to apply for your next vacation leave.

Vacation Leave Application Sample 1

Subject: Vacation Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I hope my mail finds you in the best of health.

I am writing this email to request you to grant me a leave of absence from {start date} to {end date}. As this is the summer vacation time for my children, my family and I are taking a vacation to the US. I would like to avail a part of my allotted paid leaves in this regard.

As I will be travelling, my access to internet and phone may be intermittent. However, I will revert to any calls and communications as and when possible. In the meanwhile, my teammate, Mr./Ms. {enter name} has been authorized to take up any pressing matters in terms of my job duties.

I look forward to your approval.

{Your Name}

Vacation Leave Application Sample 2

Subject: Leave Application for Cousin's Wedding

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I am writing to notify you of my upcoming leave of absence between {start date} and {end date}. As I have to travel to attend the wedding of my close relative, I will be able to resume work from the afternoon of {enter date}.

I have ensured that all my responsibilities are passed on to {enter name}, who reports to me. He/ she is well aware of the ongoing project and will be able to address any tasks related to it, in my absence.

In case of any pressing issue, I will be available at {enter contact number}.

I thank you in advance for your approval of my leave application.

Warm regards,

{Your Name}

Vacation Leave Application Sample 3

Subject: Vacation Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

Please treat this email as a formal application to request you for a leave of absence for a period of 21 days, starting {start date}. During this time, I will be travelling to visit my family abroad.

As I will be away for quite a while, I have transferred my duties to my associate, Mr./Ms. {enter name}. I have also informed him/her of my emergency contact number, {enter contact number}, in case he/she needs to get in touch with me on an urgent matter related to my deliverables.

I will resume my duties at work on {enter date}.

I look forward to your approval on my request for leave.

Thank you.

Best regards,
{Your Name}

Vacation Leave Application Sample 4

Subject: Vacation Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

This is to inform you that I am planning to visit my hometown on {date} of this month. I wish to avail 10 days of my paid leaves in this regard.

During this period, {enter name} will be available to take care of any assignment-related queries and emails from the client’s end. I have updated him/her on all the details of the assignment that I am currently deployed on.

I will be available at {enter contact details}, in case you or anyone else, feel the need to get in touch on any matter. I will be back to work on {date} morning.

I would be grateful if you consider my request affirmatively.

{Your Name}


  1. How to write a leave application for a trip?
    Start with a polite greeting and state the purpose of the leave application, mentioning the dates you intend to be absent. Provide a brief explanation of your trip, including any important details. Conclude by expressing gratitude and offering to assist with any pending work. End with a formal closing.

  2. How to write an application for leave?
    Begin with a respectful salutation and state the reason for requesting leave. Clearly specify the dates you plan to be absent and any relevant details about your absence. Offer to delegate responsibilities or complete pending tasks before your departure. Close the application with a polite thank you and your signature.

  3. How to write a short leave application?
    Keep it concise and to the point. Start with a polite greeting, state the reason for your leave briefly, and specify the dates you'll be absent. Provide any necessary details or arrangements for your absence. Close with appreciation for consideration and offer to provide further information if needed.

  4. How to request 5 days leave for office for vacation?
    Address the appropriate authority respectfully. Clearly state the purpose of the leave (vacation) and specify the duration (5 days). Provide the dates of your intended absence and ensure it aligns with your company's leave policy. Express readiness to complete pending tasks or delegate responsibilities before your departure. Conclude by expressing gratitude and providing contact information for any urgent matters.

Career Advice Leave Application