HR Interview Question and Answers- “What Are Your Weaknesses?”

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Posted by admin Jan 29, 2019

Image Source : Pixabay

At some point of time during your job interview, the interviewer may ask you a common interview question, “What is your weakness?” Many job candidates are unsure how to answer this question. Of course, it’s not easy to tell the interviewer about your weaknesses and lose the job opportunity.

This is one of the most difficult interview questions to answer that leave many job seekers in a state of confusion. Hey, do not worry. The interviewer asks “What are your weaknesses?” interview question not to make you feel bad or find a perfectionist for the job. Of course, we all have some weaknesses. The idea of asking this interview question is to understand how fit you will for the job role and organization. Will you be able to perform under pressure? Are you self-aware about your own shortcomings?

If you think that you can easily walk away with this HR interview Question by saying, “I do not have any weakness” or “I can’t think of any specific weakness in me” is a flop idea. This makes you look arrogant, over-confident and dishonest. The best way to handle this interview question is to prepare in advance.

Before we begin with some interview answer samples, here are some useful tips to frame an answer for the interview question- “What are your weaknesses?”

## It is imperative to respond carefully to this question and without making any haste.

## It is always recommended to give an honest reply and a well-thought reply to look confident.

## It works well if you draw upon some examples to explain your weaknesses.

## It is important to show the positive aspects of your weaknesses and share your recovery plan to overcome it completely.

## It is better to avoid mentioning weaknesses that are harmful to your reputation.


Interview Question, “What are your weaknesses?” examples:


There are a few ways to answer this question.
## Highlight weaknesses you have already overcome or overcoming
## Show the positive side of your weakness
## Share weaknesses that are irrelevant for the job


Share weaknesses you have overcome or working on


Having improved upon the weaknesses in your previous role or working on it shows that you are aware of your shortcomings and are sensible enough to find a way to overcome them.

For example:
I was told by many friends, colleagues and even some relatives that I am an introvert, and I also consider it as my biggest weakness. Although, it never affected my work as I was always in an independent role and always meet my deadlines. However, I also wanted to explore and experience how it’s like working in a team and wanted to overcome this introvert nature for the benefit of all. Therefore, I started pushing myself to know others by talking to them. Now when more people come to me and tell that they appreciate the way I have changed myself, I have started believing it’s actually good to interact with others as it also gives you an opportunity to learn from them.

Share weaknesses that can have a positive side also

Here’s a “What is your weakness?” example where you can strongly highlight the positive side of your weakness.

For example:
Some of my previous co-workers have told me that I am an impatient person. I also feel that at times I become very impatient to get the things done as my work becomes my priority and I don’t believe in procrastinating work. Therefore, when others are involved in my work project, I often become impatient and want everyone to make that work their priority and deliver work fast. This works well for me as I end up completing my work within or even before deadlines. However, it makes others uncomfortable. I have now gradually worked on overcoming this weakness by understanding others priorities as well. So, in the end, I plan my work in a way that it still makes me complete it within deadline without troubling others.”

Share weaknesses that are irrelevant for the job

Here you can talk about a weakness that is a personal liking, such as anything related to a thing, a hobby or a passion like music, bikes, etc. Sharing such weaknesses never interferes with the job role you are interviewing for.

For example:
I’m passionate about playing video games so much that at times I prefer it over going out with my friends and they always complain about it to me. However, recently I have realized that I should strike a balance between my social life and personal life and I am strongly working on engaging with people more.

Another “What are your weaknesses?” example:

Bikes are my biggest weakness and I love them like anything. I already have three bikes and planning to buy the new model Apache RTR 180. However, my passion for bikes troubles my parents as they complain about the lack of parking space in the garage. (J)

Bonus Tips: There are certain harmful weaknesses that you should avoid saying in an interview such as violent, short-tempered, moody, lazy, dishonest, etc. Sharing such weaknesses can certainly give a bad impression on the interviewer and reduce your chances of getting the job offer.

Remember, your goal is to prove yourself the ideal candidate for the job role. Therefore, whatever strategy you use to tailor the above-shared examples for the interview question, “What are your weaknesses?” think thoroughly and try to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer. This will certainly help you to understand how interesting and relevant your reply will look to the interviewer.

All the best!

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