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Centre for railway information system (cris)
Centre for Railway Information System project trainee placement experience
Company: Centre for Railway Information System(CRIS) Profile: Project Trainee Interview Date: April 2015 Name: Jagmeet Singh Aidan I got selected in this company. Heading – Brief, one line advice/strategy/experience snapshot: The round was a face to face interview and the project engineer started my interview by field of interest and as answered by for this as ASP.Net. The next question…
Trainee Engineer – CRIS
Company Name: CRIS Profile: Trainee Engineer I had only one round i.e. the HR ROUND. It was more like a general discussion round wherein We discussed about college, my schooling, my hobbies etc. They were only checking with confidence level and communication skills. My only strategy was to be confident and friendly while answering the questions. Be honest and prepare…