Work from home stress is the by-product of our new normal and has been so for more than a year now. The well-outlined routine and structure, which was the traditional way of life are missing, and going back to the office seems to be a distant reality.

Initially, we may have loved the idea of not having to commute to work or dress formally, but remote workers are now growing tired of working from home and the challenges that come with it.

The constant juggling between office and home, and the lack of a professional environment has led to a further loss of morale. With no definite end to the pandemic in sight, the only solution we have is to find the right strategy to deal with this stress.

If you are dealing with work from home fatigue, we have just the thing for you. Here are 5 proven ways to deal with work from home stress and get a hold of your personal and professional life.

But first, let’s read more about the symptoms of work from home burnout.

Are you dealing with work-from-home stress?

Working from home can be stressful, but it is very crucial to understand the reason for your burnout. Are you tired due to working from home? Or is it something else?

While we may not have all the answers, we can help you understand the signs that reflect that you feel burned out because of working from home. Here are the top 8 symptoms of work from home stress:

  • Constant tiredness and cynicism
  • Trouble completing office chores
  • Dull mood and lack of energy
  • Lack of concentration
  • Headaches, indigestion, and body aches due to unexplained causes
  • Irregular sleep cycle
  • Dissatisfaction at work
  • No work balance or job satisfaction

In case you feel any physical ailments, we suggest you immediately see a Doctor. For all your other work-from-home-related problems, here is the solution!

How to deal with work from home stress?

Finally! Here is your answer to the question of the hour. You can beat work from home stress with these simple steps.

1. Delegate domestic tasks as much as you can

The amount of work you have to get done in a day makes all the difference. Having too much to deal with can be the biggest cause of work from home stress.

We understand how taxing it can be to balance office tasks and work at home. An easy solution to this problem is to outsource domestic chores as much as you can.

Some immediate changes can be as small as getting your groceries delivered from the store, paying someone to fetch milk in the morning instead of going by yourself, hiring online tutors to help with your kids' studies, etc.

These changes will not only boost your efficiency at work and help you free up some time, but will also provide economic support to those in need in these trying times.

2. Reduce procrastination with the 90-20 rule

Do you find yourself avoiding work due to procrastination and procrastinating because you have too much work?

This is what happens when you get stuck in a vicious circle. It further leads to excessive pending work and a lack of interest to complete it.

In such circumstances, you may lose productivity and concentration at work, and end up with the nagging feeling that you have too much work on your plate.

One of the proven ways to beat this tricky situation is to add structure to your day with the 90-20 rule . This rule is quite simple-

Focus on work without getting distracted for 90 minutes and then, take a 20-minute break to hydrate and recharge.

This only works if you follow this rule with dedication and stick to working for 90 minutes and only then take 20 minutes off.

To make this exercise more effective, you can further reduce mental stress by using only one of your many 20-minute breaks to check your phone, social media notifications, etc, while using others to relax or do something creative.

Which gets us to our next solution!

3. Find a creative outlet

All work and no play can indeed make Jack, or anyone of us a dull person.

Working on the same thing day in and day out can make it difficult for you to concentrate on work. Finding a creative activity of your choice can help you destress, and boost your focus.

Even on a personal front, a creative outlet can benefit your health as it will please you, nurture your mental health, reduce stress levels, and provide a feeling of purpose, all of which will improve productivity at work.

So, find your creative streak, take up a hobby and find time for it in your hectic schedule to have a healthier life, professionally and personally.

4. Define work-life balance to avoid work from home stress

We can not stress enough how important work-life balance is for your well-being .

You may have defined certain boundaries to establish work-life balance already, but if they are not helping with your work from home stress, then maybe it's time to establish new grounds.

Here are some steps that can help you get some work-life balance:

  1. Set fixed working hours to log in and logout
  2. Establish a self-care routine to be followed before and after work hours
  3. Find time to hydrate and work out
  4. Follow early to bed early to rise
  5. Prioritize tasks and take them up in the order of most important to least

5. Do not hesitate to take some time off

You may be working from home, but being available all the time does not mean you can work all day. Working amidst a pandemic can be stressful, and it is normal to feel anxious and worried in these trying times.

So, when in need, use your vacation leaves for a break and take a few days off. It will help you unwind, relax and give you some personal space to pamper yourself and spend time with your family.


Having a work-from-home job when social distancing is the need of the hour is truly a privilege, one we must appreciate. But, it is not always easy to give a 100% at work when you are constantly prone to distractions at home.

Work from home stress may not be a medical condition, but it is widely recognized by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and psychologists across the medical community.

Those dealing with it can seek professional help and get started towards destressing and finding the right work-life balance with these easy steps.

All the best!

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