How To Answer ‘Who Is Your Role Model And Why’

“Who Is Your Role Model and Why?” A Fresher’s Guide to Answering This Key Interview Question

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Posted by Aarna Tiwari Aug 12, 2024

As you embark on your journey through college and into the professional world, you’ll often encounter the question: “Who is your role model and why?” This seemingly simple query can reveal a lot about your values, aspirations, and character. Whether it’s during a job interview, a scholarship application, or a casual conversation with peers, having a well-thought-out answer can make a lasting impression. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the concept of role models, why they matter, and how to effectively communicate your choice to others.

Who Is A Role Model?

Before delving into the specifics of choosing and discussing your role model, it’s essential to understand what exactly constitutes a role model. A role model is an individual whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, particularly by younger people. These figures serve as inspirations, setting standards of excellence in various aspects of life, be it personal, professional, or societal.

Role models can come from diverse backgrounds:

  • Family members: Parents, grandparents, siblings, or other relatives who have positively influenced your life.
  • Historical figures: Leaders, inventors, or activists who have made significant contributions to society.
  • Professionals: Successful individuals in your chosen field or industry.
  • Celebrities: Actors, musicians, athletes, or public figures who use their platform for positive change.
  • Teachers or mentors: Educators or advisors who have guided your personal and academic growth.
  • Community leaders: Local figures who work tirelessly to improve their surroundings.
  • Literary or fictional characters: Protagonists from books, movies, or TV shows who embody admirable qualities.

The key characteristic of a role model is that they possess qualities, achievements, or values that you aspire to emulate or incorporate into your own life. They serve as a source of motivation, pushing you to strive for excellence and personal growth.

Why Do Employers Ask The ‘Who Is Your Role Model?’ Interview Question?

Understanding why employers ask this question is crucial for crafting a compelling response. When interviewers pose the “Who is your role model?” question, they’re not just making small talk. This question serves several purposes:

  • Assessing your values: Your choice of role model reflects what you consider important in life and work.
  • Gauging self-awareness: The ability to articulate why someone inspires you demonstrates introspection and emotional intelligence.
  • Understanding your aspirations: Your role model often indicates the direction in which you want to grow professionally and personally.
  • Evaluating cultural fit: The qualities you admire in your role model can indicate how well you might align with the company’s values and culture.
  • Exploring your motivation: Discussing your role model can reveal what drives you to succeed and improve.
  • Assessing communication skills: How you present your answer showcases your ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and concisely.
  • Identifying potential: Your choice might hint at untapped abilities or interests that could benefit the organization.

By asking this question, employers gain valuable insights into your character, career goals, and potential contributions to their team. It’s an opportunity for you to showcase your personality and values in a way that goes beyond your resume or academic achievements.

How To Answer “Who Is Your Role Model And Why?”

When faced with this common interview question, it’s important to approach your answer thoughtfully and strategically. Here are some steps to help you formulate a compelling response:

  • Choose wisely: Select a role model who genuinely inspires you and aligns with your personal and professional goals. Avoid picking someone solely because you think it will impress the interviewer.
  • Reflect on the ‘why’: Identify specific qualities, actions, or achievements of your role model that resonate with you. This will form the core of your answer.
  • Make it personal: Explain how your role model has influenced your life, decisions, or career path. Personal anecdotes can make your answer more memorable and authentic.
  • Connect to the present: Discuss how you’re currently applying lessons learned from your role model in your life or work.
  • Look to the future: Explain how your role model inspires your future goals and aspirations.
  • Be concise yet comprehensive: Aim for a response that’s detailed enough to be meaningful but brief enough to maintain the interviewer’s interest.
  • Practice your delivery: Rehearse your answer to ensure you can deliver it confidently and naturally.
  • Be prepared for follow-up questions: Anticipate and prepare for potential follow-up inquiries about your role model or how they’ve influenced you.

Remember, there’s no universally “correct” answer to this question. The key is to be genuine, reflective, and able to articulate your thoughts clearly.

‘Who Is Your Role Model And Why?’ – Sample Answers

To help you better understand how to structure your response, here are a few sample answers to the question “Who is your role model and why?”:

Example 1: Family Member

“My role model is my grandmother. Despite facing numerous challenges as an immigrant, she built a successful small business from scratch while raising three children. Her resilience, work ethic, and ability to maintain a positive outlook in the face of adversity have always inspired me. From her, I’ve learned the importance of perseverance, the value of building strong relationships, and the power of maintaining a growth mindset. These lessons have shaped my approach to my studies and my career goals, pushing me to continually seek out new challenges and opportunities for growth.”

Example 2: Historical Figure

“Mahatma Gandhi has been a significant role model for me. His unwavering commitment to non-violent resistance and social change has profoundly influenced my worldview. What I admire most is his ability to lead by example and inspire millions to work toward a common goal. Gandhi’s philosophy of ‘being the change you wish to see in the world’ has motivated me to actively engage in community service and seek leadership roles where I can make a positive impact. His teachings on the importance of integrity and standing up for one’s beliefs, even in the face of opposition, guide my decision-making both personally and professionally.”

Example 3: Professional in Your Field

“As an aspiring software engineer, my role model is Grace Hopper. Her groundbreaking work in computer programming, particularly in developing the first compiler, laid the foundation for modern computing. What I find most inspiring about Hopper is her innovative thinking and her ability to simplify complex concepts. Her famous quote, ‘It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission,’ encapsulates the kind of bold, forward-thinking approach I strive to bring to my work. Hopper’s legacy motivates me to push boundaries in technology and to actively work towards making the field more accessible and diverse.”

Example 4: Mentor or Teacher

“My high school physics teacher, Mr. Ramaswamy, has been a significant role model in my life. His passion for science and his ability to make complex concepts understandable and exciting ignited my interest in pursuing a career in engineering. What I admire most about Mr. Ramaswamy is his dedication to his students’ success, both in and out of the classroom. He consistently went above and beyond, offering extra help and encouragement to anyone who needed it. His approach to teaching taught me the value of clear communication, patience, and the importance of making a positive impact on others. These lessons have shaped my academic journey and my career aspirations, inspiring me to seek opportunities where I can mentor others and contribute to my field in meaningful ways.”

Who Is Your Role Model And Why Do You Respect them?

When considering who your role model is and why you respect them, it’s important to delve deep into their qualities, achievements, and the impact they’ve had on your life. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Values alignment: Your role model likely embodies values that resonate deeply with you. These could include integrity, compassion, innovation, perseverance, or social responsibility. Reflect on how these values align with your own and how they guide your actions and decisions.
  • Overcoming adversity: Many role models are respected for their ability to overcome significant challenges or obstacles. Consider how your role model has faced and conquered difficulties, and how their resilience inspires you in your own life.
  • Professional excellence: If your role model is someone in your chosen field, think about their professional achievements and contributions. How have they pushed the boundaries of their industry? What innovations or improvements have they brought about?
  • Personal growth: Reflect on how your role model has evolved. Have they demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement? How does this inspire your growth journey?
  • Impact on others: Consider the positive influence your role model has had on their community, industry, or even the world at large. How does their ability to effect change motivate you?
  • Leadership qualities: If your role model is a leader, what specific leadership traits do you admire? This could include their communication skills, decision-making process, ability to inspire others, or approach to problem-solving.
  • Ethical stance: Think about how your role model navigates ethical dilemmas or stands up for their beliefs. How does their moral compass guide their actions, and how does this influence your ethical considerations?
  • Balance and well-roundedness: Consider how your role model balances different aspects of their life. Do they exemplify a healthy work-life balance? How do they manage their relationships alongside their professional responsibilities?
  • Innovative thinking: If your role model is known for their creativity or innovative ideas, reflect on how their approach to thinking outside the box inspires your problem-solving and creativity.
  • Humility and authenticity: Consider how your role model handles success and failure. Do they remain grounded and authentic? How does their humility in the face of achievements resonate with you?

By thoroughly examining these aspects, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of why you respect your role models and how they influence your life. This deep reflection will not only help you articulate your thoughts more effectively when asked about your role model but will also provide valuable insights into your values, goals, and aspirations.


Understanding who your role model is and why they inspire you is a valuable exercise in self-reflection and personal growth. This question often appears among common interview questions for freshers, making it crucial for college students and recent graduates to prepare thoughtful responses. Whether you’re gearing up for job interviews, considering your career path, or simply exploring your own values and aspirations, having a well-articulated answer to “Who is your role model and why?” can provide clarity and direction.

As you prepare for interviews, remember that your choice of role model is personal and should reflect genuine admiration and respect. It’s not about impressing interviewers with a famous name, but about showcasing your values and aspirations. This question, like many interview questions for freshers, is designed to gain insight into your character and potential.

By thoughtfully considering who your role model is and why you respect them, you’re not just preparing for potential interview questions for freshers. You’re engaging in a valuable process of self-discovery that can inform your decisions, shape your character, and guide your future success.

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FAQs on Who Is Your Role Model And Why

How do I choose a good role model?

Choose a role model who embodies qualities you admire and aspire to develop. Look for individuals who have overcome challenges, achieved success in areas important to you, and demonstrate strong values. Consider people from various spheres – family, professionals, historical figures, or community leaders. Ensure their actions align with your personal goals and ethics.

Can fictional characters be role models?

Yes, fictional characters can be valid role models. They often embody admirable traits or overcome significant challenges, providing inspiration and life lessons. When choosing a fictional role model, focus on their positive qualities, decision-making processes, and character development. Explain how these aspects translate to real-life situations and personal growth.

Is it okay to have multiple role models?

Absolutely. Having multiple role models is beneficial as it allows you to draw inspiration from various sources. Different role models can inspire different aspects of your life – personal, professional, or ethical. This diverse influence can contribute to a well-rounded perspective and help you develop a unique set of values and goals.

How can I explain why someone is my role model in an interview?

When explaining your role model in an interview, focus on specific qualities or achievements that inspire you. Describe how these aspects relate to your personal or professional goals. Provide concrete examples of how your role model has influenced your decisions or actions. Connect their influence to the job or company you’re interviewing for.

Should I choose a famous person as my role model?

Choosing a famous person as your role model can be appropriate, but ensure it’s for the right reasons. Focus on their achievements, values, or impact rather than their celebrity status. Be prepared to discuss specific aspects of their life or work that inspire you, and how you apply these lessons to your own life.

How often should I reevaluate my choice of role model?

Regularly reassessing your role models is healthy, especially during significant life changes or transitions. As you grow and your goals evolve, your sources of inspiration may shift. Aim to reflect on your role models annually or when facing major decisions. This ensures your role models remain relevant to your current aspirations.

What if my role model has flaws or makes mistakes?

It’s important to remember that role models are human and can have flaws. Acknowledge these imperfections while focusing on the positive qualities that inspire you. Use their mistakes as learning opportunities. A nuanced view of your role model demonstrates maturity and critical thinking, especially when discussing them in professional contexts.

How can I emulate my role models without copying them?

To emulate your role model effectively, focus on adopting their positive qualities and principles rather than mimicking their exact actions. Adapt their lessons to your circumstances and personality. Strive to understand the reasoning behind their decisions and apply similar thought processes to your unique situations.

Can a role model be someone younger than me?

Age shouldn’t be a limiting factor in choosing a role model. Younger individuals can possess admirable qualities, achievements, or insights that inspire regardless of their age. Focus on the specific attributes or accomplishments that resonate with you, explaining how they motivate you to grow or think differently.

How do I find a role model in my chosen career field?

To find a role model in your career field, research prominent figures in your industry, attend professional events or seek mentorship programs. Look for individuals whose career paths or achievements align with your goals. Consider reaching out to them directly, following their work, or reading about their experiences to gain valuable insights.

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