Technical Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers: Java Interview Questions

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Posted by FirstNaukri Jul 29, 2019

As a Java professional, every fresher should do some basic preparation before attending a job interview. It is imperative to know the latest technologies, industry buzzwords, and be ready to answer some commonly asked Java Interview Questions.

To help you prepare for your technical job interview, we have curated a list of popular technical questions for Java professionals. This list of common Java Interview Questions will help you to test your knowledge and face interviews with confidence.

Let’s prepare these 10 sample questions and answers:

Q1) Java is platform-independent. Explain why.

Q2) How will you define encapsulation?

Q3) Explain why Java is not 100% object-oriented.

Q4) What do you know about access modifier?

Q5) Explain constructor chaining in Java.

Q6) How will you define a Class Loader in Java?

Q7) How can you define what is abstraction?

Q8) What is inheritance in Java? Explain.

Q9) What is object cloning?

Q10) What is Spring in Java?

Q1) Java is platform-independent. Explain why.

Java is known as platform-independent due to its byte codes that can efficiently run on any system irrespective of its operating system.

Q2) How will you define encapsulation?

Encapsulation is a mechanism that connects code (methods) with data (variables) as a single unit.

Q3) Explain why Java is not 100% object-oriented.

This is because it makes the use of 8 primitive data types that are not objects. These data types include float, Boolean, int, byte, double, char, short and long.

Q4) What do you know about access modifier?

In Java, access modifier is a special keyword that helps to restrict the access of a constructor, class, data member and method in another class.

Q5) Explain constructor chaining in Java.

Constructor chaining is the process of calling one constructor from another with respect to the current object.

Q6) How will you define a Class Loader in Java?

The Java Class Loader is a subset of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used for loading the class files.

Q7) How can you define what is abstraction?

Abstraction is the quality of dealing with ideas instead of events. In Java, it deals with hiding the details and showing only the vital information to the user.

Q8) What is inheritance in Java? Explain.

Inheritance is a concept where the properties of a particular class can be inherited by another class. It allows the reuse of the code and establishes a relationship between different classes.

Q9) What is object cloning?

Object cloning in Java is defined as the process of creating an exact copy of an object.

Q10) What is Spring in Java?

Spring is defined as an application framework and inversion of control container for Java platform.

In a job interview, apart from testing your technical knowledge of the subject area, the interviewer also asks some general questions to understand you better. We also suggest you to prepare these frequently asked interview questions:

Tell us about yourself

What do you know about our company?

What are your strengths & weaknesses?

What are your hobbies?

Why do you want this job?

What are your salary expectations?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Java professionals are much more in demand. However, the tough competition makes it vital to prepare in advance and leave no opportunity to prove your skills and ace the job interview.

Keep watching for more questions in this series. Happy learning.

All the best!

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