Oracle Interview Questions asked at a Placement Drive in NIT Warangal
I was interviewed at NIT Warangal for the position of an Application Developer. Below is my experience of this placement drive in detail as well as some Oracle interview questions I faced as a fresher. The entire interview process started at about 8 am in the morning and the final results were announced at 12 in the midnight. I have also included tips on how I cracked my Oracle interview.
Company: Oracle
Profile: Application Developer
Salary: 14 lakhs per annum
Place: NIT Warangal
Number of rounds: 4
Result: I got selected
About Oracle
Oracle Corporation, popularly known as ‘Oracle’ is an American MNC. This computer technology corporation has its headquarters situated in Redwood Shores, California. Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates are the founders of Oracle. Oracle specializes in developing and marketing database software and technology, cloud engineered systems, and enterprise software products.
Test rounds conducted in Oracle Placement Drive
Oracle interview experience comprises of a written test and a face to face interview like any other placement interview conducted at a college. Details about my online test are as follows:
The online test
This round consisted of 4 sections. Each of these sections consisted of subsections. Each subsection had its own time limit.
## General Aptitude, Analytical & Mathematical reasoning
## Software Engineering
## English, Verbal Ability & Vocabulary
## Computer Science concepts & Programming skills.
I have discussed about these rounds in detail below.
Online test at Oracle placement interview in detail
The online test did not involve any negative marking. As a result, I was able to complete it easily with a cool mind. Various sections had some time cutoffs though and you have to be careful of the same. Some invigilators will limit your time per section buy loudly announcing the time. Don’t get bothered. They just want you to maintain a decent pace and compete the entire test. It is advisable to skip questions that are consuming more than 2-3 minutes, even though I attempted every single one of them. Your analytical skills are very important to clear the remaining non-programming sections. You must have good knowledge of general aptitude and mathematical reasoning to crack the online test.
My Oracle interview experience in detail
As mentioned earlier, I faced the following rounds.
## General Aptitude, Analytical & Mathematical reasoning – I have explained how it went below.
## Software Engineering – I have explained how it went below.
## English, Verbal Ability & Vocabulary – This is a very simple round. If you have a strong hold on English language, you can crack it.
## Computer Science concepts & Programming skills – This round did not have any negative marking, although there is timer for each sub-section, and you cannot go back and solve a previously completed section.
Round 1 Technical: (25 min. approximately)
The interviewer first took a copy of my resume and then asked me about myself & my projects. She said, “Tell me about yourself.” Then she asked me the following questions.
## Write a function to generate a random value. The function should return different values when we run it at different timestamps.
## Define Abstract class & the Difference between Abstract class and Interface.
## Which data structure suits best to implement a file system structure?
## Using that data structure write a code to print the names of all the files and folders in a given folder.
## What is Hashing & Hash map.
Round 2 Technical: (40 min. approximately)
The Interviewer welcomed me into the interview room with a warm handshake and then we had a nice discussion on my project that I did on my internship & what technologies I used. As discussed earlier, the questions I faced were simple.
Programming and aptitude questions asked in my Oracle interview
I faced the following questions and I have tried my best to list them down for your practice.
## How to connect a java code to a database? I was given a situation and asked to give a database schema consisting of primary key & foreign key. And then according to that design he asked me to write SQL queries.
## Define Joins. Write a query to perform a natural join.
## Then I was asked some questions related to computer networks. IP/TCP/UDP/HTTP.
## What is the difference between HTTP & HTTPS?
## What is SSL?
## I was then asked some questions based on sockets like how servers and clients are connected and the mechanism on how they communicate by sending and receiving messages.
## Two trains are travelling in opposite Directions. Speed of Trains are “S”. Distance between them is “d”. A bird which is moving with “2S” speed from one train to another train collides, rebound and then collides with first train and so on. Find the total distance covered by the bird when the trains hit each other.
## Find the largest substring which is palindrome.
## This question was different. The fingers of a hand is numbered like this: Thumb-1, Index-2, Middle-3, Ring-4and Pinky-5. Now the sequence goes like this: Thumb->Index->Middle->Ring->Pinky->Ring->Middle->Index->Thumb->Index->Middle->Ring->Pinky->Ring->Middle->Index->Thumb->…… Find the finger in which nth term is present. E.g.: If n is 13 then answer is Pinky finger. If n is 8 then answer is Index finger. If n is 11 then answer is Middle finger.
## Banker’s algorithm. Implement Merge sort algorithm. Then he asked me to explain real world example of this algorithm and the time complexity explanation. Normalization (Specially BCNF form). Outer joins, left join & right join.
Round 3: Technical Interview questions asked in Oracle interview (20 mins.)
## Explain the banker’s algorithm with an example.
## Implement Merge sort algorithm. Then he asked me to explain real world example of this algorithm and the time complexity explanation.
## Normalization (Specially BCNF form).
## Outer joins, left join & right join.
Round 4: HR Interview questions asked in Oracle interview (10 mins.)
My final HR round lasted for just about 10 minutes approximately. Oracle Interview Questions asked in this round were as follows.
## How’s your day?
## Tell me about yourself.
## Why do you want to join Oracle?
## Do you want to go for higher studies sooner or later?
## Tell me about your internship experience, if any.
## What is your location preference?
## What is your salary expectation?
## Do you have any questions for me?
Finally, they said “See you soon at Oracle!” and smiled. It was such a relief.
Selection criteria for Oracle Interview
The cut-off criteria to sit in a campus drive interview of Oracle is 7 CGPA. Oracle interview questions are super easy to crack. It’s no rocket science. So, try and stay calm. You need to approach the test with a cool, calm and composed mind. Have faith in yourself and be confident. All the best!