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Posted by admin Oct 05, 2018

Company: NEEYAMO

Profile:  Associate Product Developer

Salary: 2.5 LPA

Place: D Y Patil, Akurdi

Number of Rounds: 7

Result: Selected

Application process

I wasn’t mentally ready to attend a campus drive, especially this one. I was already tired of attending too many drives over the past few months. I had attended close to 25 drives.

I was not even aware of the company’s name. Fortunately, on the 14th of August I received a call from NEEYAMO. I felt really good when I was asked by a lady whether I would attend the drive or not. That is when I made up my mind that I would be attending the drive.

I finally attended the drive on the 16th of August 2017. This campus drive by NEEYAMO was being conducted for non-technical work roles which included Payroll, BGV, SAP, etc. I was particularly interested to join a technical field. Later, I consoled myself by thinking ‘something is better than nothing at all’.

Interview Rounds

Round 1: The very first round was a written aptitude test. The quantitative aptitude and English questions were very easy.

Round 2: The second round was a group discussion round. I was not feeling too confident about it as I am not a great public speaker. But I played a trick by observing a boy who was not talking sense at all. I allowed that person to finish before I started speaking. Showing etiquette properly actually earned me points in the GD round. Besides doing that, I offered some valuable points on life ethics. Ours was a group of 15 and luckily 12 of us got selected, including me!

Round 3: Third round was the HR round. I assumed that the HR lady meant to ask me “Tell me something that is not included in your resume.” However, the actual question was “Chetan, tell me about yourself.” I understood what she meant and I nailed it. I spoke to her confidently and did not bluff or lie.

Round 4: The fourth round was conducted at the company office. I was interviewed by the CEO cum Director himself. Eventually, I got selected for the SAP profile. Questions asked to me were “Tell be about yourself”, “What are your interests?” etc. To answer the second question, I told him that I want to become a software developer. Surprised, Sir inquired, “What if we have two posts – a developer’s position and an SAP implementation position, for which you are here. What will be your choice?” I frankly replied that I would go with the developer position.

About 5 minutes later I was called by the HR lady. She said I had been selected for the SAP position. I was upset as but the HR lady assured me that they will try to absorb me into ET, which is the software development branch of NEEYAMO. Thus, I agreed to join!

Round 5: My fifth round was a technical one. It was a pen and paper round and I was given 7 questions. I had been asked to solve any 3 questions. These were programming questions. They seemed easy and I was able to solve 3 questions within the agreed time limit. Since time still remained, I solved more 2.

Round 6: I was called back again for a 6th round. This was a technical HR round. I was asked to solve small programs on the spot and write the logic on paper. I was also asked questions based on technologies used these days.

Round 7: Then I was called again for a 7th round. This was a telephonic round. My resume had been sent to a location via fax and the interviewer on asked me questions on phone, based on my resume.
Finally, an HR lady asked me to come down to office and collect my offer letter.

Takeaway: I would surely like to point out that I did the right thing by not giving up. I attended the drive despite the fact that this position was not what I wanted. I pressed on the fact again and again that development was my interest area and they respected the same. Honestly, I loved this experience and today, I am enjoying the work within the Innovation Tree of NEEYAMO.

Quick Tips to Help You Crack This Interview

Be well prepared. Have good communication skills in English. Afterall, English is an integral part of today’s world. If you are good in English and aptitude, you will for sure land the job!

When preparing for the technical rounds, don’t be bookish. Stress more on practical application of logic. And also, try to think out of the box. Organizations these days are not looking for knowledgeable employees, rather they prefer people who can apply whatever little knowledge they have into good use.

Also, try and prove that you are special and you have got something special to offer, they need the most.

Follow these ethics as your thumb rule in every interview:
Observe – Watch everyone closely
Listen – Note what each has to say
Cooperate – Show that you are a good team member and you can support your team. Give examples.
Speak cautiously – In a GD round, if someone is not speaking or is having trouble to say something, make everyone pause and let that person speak. This shows that you value everyone’s opinion.

Test questions


Aptitude round:

It consisted of quantitative aptitude, and English grammar questions and questions related to vocabulary.

Technical Test:

Seven Programming questions that were based on Java. I had to solve any .

Technical interview:

Small programs and logic behind the code. Technical questions related to the trending technologies. Questions on java, SQL, REST API, etc.

HR interview:

Telephonic interview – Details based on my resume.

Interview questions I faced in the HR round

Share some important details about yourself.

I have decently strong analytical skills. Due to these skills, I can optimize the use of data and information better than my batchmates. Also, I am very good at building and maintaining positive relationships with people, that last a lifetime. Other than these, I am proactive in figuring out things to do, i.e. I make myself useful wherever necessary or whenever there is an opportunity.

What are your likes and dislikes?

I like the corporate way of life. I enjoy being around people with a good sense of humor. I also love technology and like working with computers/internet and reading up about new technologies. My dislikes are major communication gaps, disorderliness and messiness.

What is your dream?

I believe that a dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes my mind. It boosts my will power and garners positive emotions in me. My dream is not to settle for less than what I deserve. I want to be one of the best developers with maximum followers on GitHub one day. I believe it is a practical ang highly achievable dream and I will do everything possible to work towards it.

My learnings from this placement interview experience

Always be true to yourself and to your interviewer. Never try to befool anyone, as it might make you appear fake. Try to throw light on the areas where you excel. Just be you and don’t wait for a long time to answer a question. Lastly, don’t be nervous.

All the best!

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