RetailOn PHP developer placement experience
Company: Retail On
Profile: PHP Developer
Salary: 15 lacs for 3 years
Interview Date: Oct 2015
Name: Aman Pandey
I wasn’t selected.
There are three rounds.
Cleared technical test and technical interview and reached final round.
Round 1: In first round, a program was given to each candidate for which he/she has to code in any preferable language(C, C++, Java, PHP).
Round2: In second round, the selected students were called for the technical interview and technical questions were asked there.
Round3: The third round was the HR round, in which the selected students of the second round were judged by the HR of the company.
Please describe your overall experience & Strategy you followed for each round: The technical rounds i.e. the first and second rounds were fun to me and the last round was also the good experience but the persons who were diplomatic got selected…
Tips to follow while appearing for each round or company: Be prepared for the technical rounds and be diplomatic for the HR rounds because HR does not want real you.
Key skills tested in the process: Coding skills and communication skills and how are you as a person where good from the company’s point of view or not.
Recommended Books, Blog/ website, Video: No recommendations..get the technical knowledge and problem solving technique by regularly solving new problems and new challenges.
Courses or certification that will help in getting selected: Skills is what is needed to get selected not the certifications.
Coaching / class room training you attended for the preparation: Ducat Noida for java training
Your motivation for applying: Good in technical knowledge and have well problem solving technique and love new challenges in this field.
Funny/ best / weird / thrilling moments during the process: Although my technical interview was best amongst all still HR failed to judge that which person was good for their company.